Crown Court

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This article is a part of the Politics and Government of Ibagli series.

Monarch (King Charles III)
Governor-General (Sir Steven Spell)
Prime Minister (Roger Pollack)
Executive CouncilCabinet

Legislative (Parliament)

House of Commons (Speaker)
Government House Leader
Loyal Opposition (Leader)
Senate (Speaker)


Supreme Court (Chief Justice)
Crown Court
Constitution (Constitution Act)

The Crown Court is the superior court of Ibagli. It has existed in its current form since the independence of Ibagli in 1955. It consists of a Chief Judge and several puisne judges, as well as the Chief Justice of Ibagli and the puisne justices of the Supreme Court of Ibagli, although they generally do not hear cases that are likely to be appealed to that body. Former puisne justices of the Supreme Court usually retain their seats on the Crown Court after their retirement. The current Chief Judge of the Crown Court is Robert LaPierre.
