Amy Pfeiffer

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The Honourable Amy Pfeiffer, MP is an Ibaglian politician. A member of the Liberal Party, she currently serves as Attorney-General in the cabinet of Roger Pollack, after having been the Minister of Home Affairs in the same government. She also served as Minister of Health in the governments of Vincent McNeese and Anthony Kinder, and during Roger Pollack's first term in 2006.

10th Ministry - Government of Vincent McNeese
Predecessor Office Successor
Brenda Potter Minister of Health
Continued into 11th Ministry
11th Ministry - Government of Anthony Kinder
Predecessor Office Successor
Continued from 10th Ministry Minister of Health
Amelia Pietersen
13th Ministry - Government of Roger Pollack
Predecessor Office Successor
Amelia Pietersen Minister of Health
Robert Hart
16th Ministry - Government of Roger Pollack
Predecessor Office Successor
Robert Clarke Minister of Home Affairs
Anthony Gaskill
Andrew Spearman Attorney-General