Liberal Party

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This article is a part of the Politics and Government of Ibagli series.

Monarch (King Charles III)
Governor-General (Sir Steven Spell)
Prime Minister (Roger Pollack)
Executive CouncilCabinet

Legislative (Parliament)

House of Commons (Speaker)
Government House Leader
Loyal Opposition (Leader)
Senate (Speaker)


Supreme Court (Chief Justice)
Crown Court
Constitution (Constitution Act)

The Liberal Party of Ibagli is a major political party in Ibagli. It currently holds 24 seats in the House of Commons. It is currently led by Roger Pollack. It was founded in 1930. Originally a classically liberal party, it has moved in the direction of social democratic philosophy in recent years.

List of leaders of the Liberal Party

Name Term Notes
William Patterson 1930
Lionel Baxter 1930–1938 Premier 1931–1936
John Weatherby 1938–1943
Edward Brixton 1943–1959 Premier 1944–1949
Premier 1953–1955
Prime Minister 1955–1959
Byron Johnson 1959–1962
Robert Schmidt 1962–1965
Winston Menzies 1965–1968
Henry LeVeque 1968–1981 Prime Minister 1972–1976
Prime Minister 1977–1981
Steven Spell 1981–1982 Interim
John Forton 1982–1985
Bradley Hunter 1985–1994 Prime Minister 1989–1994
Jacob Philips 1994–1996
Vincent McNeese 1996–2005 Prime Minister 2004–2005
Anthony Kinder 2005–2006 Prime Minister 2005–2006
Roger Pollack 2006– Prime Minister 2006


Election Popular Vote Seats
1955 45.6% 37
1959 43.8% 26
1963 41.9% 14
1967 42.7% 23
1972 57.1% 51
1976 42.1% 28
1977 50.1% 42
1981 39.8% 17
1985 38.8% 16
1989 49.2% 35
1994 41.9% 23
1999 34.9% 13
2004 39.0% 30
Jan. 2006 33.3% 24
Nov. 2006 34.6% 21
Political parties of Ibagli
Represented in the House of Commons:
Conservative Liberal Ropu Sa'olotoga
Other recognized parties:
Green INAP Communist Marijuana Republican
Historical parties:
SDP Family First Ibaglian Action IPP Social Credit
IDU Progressive Reform PAP