Minister of Finance

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The Minister of Finance is the cabinet minister responsible for overseeing the finances of Ibagli and creating the yearly budget. The Minister of Finance also controls the economic policy of the Government. From 1965 to 1981 and from May to November 1989, the portfolio was held by the Prime Minister. The current Minister of Finance is Richard LeVeque. The Minister of Finance is usually considered the most powerful member of the Cabinet. Ministers of Finance were traditionally appointed to the Privy Council. Anthony Kinder ended this practice, but it was reinstated by John Goodwin.

List of Ministers of Finance

Name Term Party Administration(s)
Gerald Stevens 1955–1959 Liberal Brixton
William Brown 1959–1963 Conservative Kenilworth
Phillip Venson 1963–1965 Conservative Kenilworth
Joseph Kenilworth 1965–1972 Conservative Kenilworth
Henry LeVeque 1972–1976 Liberal LeVeque
Mark Rockington 1976–1977 Conservative Rockington
Henry LeVeque 1976–1981 Liberal LeVeque
Thomas Harlington 1981–1989 Conservative Forrester
Maria Hanson 1989–1994 Liberal Hunter
John Rankin 1994–2004 Conservative Goodwin
Anthony Kinder 2004–2005 Liberal McNeese
Andrew Spearman 2005–2006 Liberal Kinder
Robert Clarke 2006 Conservative Smallegan
Péricles Maranhão Neto 2006 Liberal Pollack
Erik Barnes 2006–2011 Conservative Goodwin
Richard LeVeque 2011–2017 Liberal Pollack
Andrew Spearman 2017–